Friday, February 11, 2011

IVF #1 CD 20 "Couch Potato"

I'm already tired of bed rest. Technically I've only been on bed rest 27 hours but, it sure feels like longer- due mostly to the unofficial bed rest all last week after feeling crappy from retrieval. So my body is sore and yearning to get up and move around and, my mind is now fully awake, too. Alas, two more days of this.

I found a pretty good app to remind me to take all my medicine. That has been helpful. It seems like it is always time for another pill of something.

Other than the sore back from being horizontal for too long, today was a good day. I felt more energetic than I have in a while and harnessed that into phone calls and a nice visit from my sister-in-law and her adorable baby. I have felt a little bit bad recently because when I have talked to people on the phone - mostly my family - I have been non-energetic and just blah - mainly because that is the way that I felt. They were much more excited and chipper than I was. However, today I was feeling great and had a wonderful chat with my mom. We laughed hysterically as I talked about yesterday and my bladder. It was nice to feel like I was alive and not sounding depressed. And it felt really good to laugh! I'm sure my parents were worried and glad to hear my happy and awake voice again. It was fun to talk with my sisters and laugh with them, too.
And I had a great time with my SIL and her cute 5 month old. Even though he was super tired and cried quite a bit. We talked and laughed. It was great to have some company today. There was one comment that stuck with me. She had mentioned earlier in the visit that on a previous occasion she had visited some friends and has taken her son. He was again fussy but, her friends seemed very concerned and annoyed that she couldn't get him to stop - repulsed even (no, they didn't have kids of their own). So after a while today of him crying, my SIL was apologizing that he was not in a good mood and hadn't napped well today. I responded that it didn't bother me. She said "I could tell." I wasn't really expecting that kind of response but, it got me thinking about why having a baby crying didn't bother me. I think it boils down to I want a baby, and babies cry and spit up and explode diapers and, I want it all. I can't imagine any one who has tired so hard to have a baby of their own get annoyed at a fussy baby- but maybe I'm wrong.

But before I get ahead of myself...The pregnancy blood work test. I will know next Tuesday. Technically I was supposed to wait until Thursday the 24th, but since I am going out of town on the 25th I was able so convince the nurse to do the test 12 days after the transfer. So only 11 days to wait...

M is now home from work. We had another delicious meal brought over by my dear visiting teachers (pulled pork yesterday and enchiladas tonight...I'm salivating for tomorrow already and M is totally getting spoiled). M is getting a fire going. I guess bed/couch rest isn't all bad.

(plus we got our final freeze count. We have 5 little frozen embies!)


  1. Enjoy your couch potato time! Glad to hear about the final freeze count and hope the next 11 days pass quickly. Thanks for the advice about the full but not too full bladder... that was not fun just for the trial transfer and they told me I didn't quite drink enough:[ Happy resting!

  2. Glad you are feeling positive/better and have so many nice/supportive people around you! And congrats on the frozen embie count! :)
    -Kristen from
