Friday, February 25, 2011

4w6d "close to the vest"

I had my second beta today but, I haven't got the results yet. There is a new nurse who drew my blood today. I was asking her about what my appt schedule would look like now and when I would get my first ultrasound. Today! Well at least that is what she said. So she puts me in a room and I get undressed and in the stirrups. Then, the real nurse comes in and says it's too early to see anything and the other nurse doesn't really know the ropes yet. But since I was already on the table she decided to try the ultrasound and see if we could see anything. Well we did! Yay! But guess what. I'm not ready to share. I'm sure you are all dying to know if I'm having a singleton (I just love that word. It is so funny) or twins. I know my family is. But I haven't really been able to have my pregnancy secret. My sisters got to wait like "normal" people to announce their pregnancy until about three months. So at least for now, M and I are going to enjoy our little secret.
Maybe that is a little selfish but, it is our way of making this pregnancy a bit more ours. I think those of you that have shared with family and friends your IVF process have felt the same. Since they know you are doing IVF, they know pretty much right when you get pregnant (and so does the extended family?). There is very little that is intimate, just you and hubby. This is our intimate moment. We get share the ultrasound with just us. Just our happy little family. At least for a few weeks anyway.


  1. I am so happy for you! I completely understand not wanting to share anymore at this point. I know some women, after going thru ivf, don't even want to know the gender as everything else had to be planned and nothing was a mystery. I hope all is well and you have a wonderful 1st trimester!

  2. That is wonderful! I'm glad you are finding a way to keep this process special and intimate for you and your husband. Enjoy your secret!

  3. I am very happy for you, and I totally understand you want to keep some of the magic of 'privacy' in this process.
    Enjoy, enjoy every moment of it! I am so very very very excited for you!!!:)

  4. So happy for you too... cherish it and let others know how and when you want. This is such a special time for you and your family xoxo

  5. I love love love that you and your husband have a secret. Everything about this is so's so awesome you have something just for you.

  6. Hello and Happy ICLW!! One thing that really has bothered me a/b this whole IF thing is that I won't be able to shock my mom with news of being pregnant. instead, I get helpful hints like, "Hot yoga might not be good if you're pregnant, honey." I hate that I've been robbed of that ande LOVE that you are keeping some of the surprise factor to yourselves. So excited for you!!

  7. I'm so happy for you. I kinda like you have a secret even though I'm totally dying. LOL

  8. I love that you're keeping this a secret - so sweet!

  9. congratulations on your pregnancy :)

    I just love that you are keeping some secrets, that's such an awesome thing to do.
