Saturday, February 5, 2011

IVF #1 CD 14 "Recovery"

Well we had retrieval this morning. It went well. They wouldn't let M come in and watch. The iv needle wasn't so bad but, I really don't like those. They got 23 follicles. M was really sweet. I m having a hard time waking up. Its been a couple hours but I'm still a little groggy. My right ovary really hurts. I'm trying to remember. The nurse said I'm risk for OHSS hope that doesn't happen. I remember m getting me dressed with the nurses help and trying to figure out the pad. I was really cold chattering like crazy. I remember being put into wheelchair and M helping me into the car. I was finally warm with the heat and the sun on me. M called my mom said I was having a hard time. We went to his brothers. M carried me in. I'm trying to sleep but I can't the pain is bad. Should not have turned down the vicadin. I'm still tired though. Nauseous? Kind of I can't tell. Fertility report tomorrow. Anxious.


  1. Glad it went well and hope you've gotten some sleep! Let's claim- NO OHSS and a great report tomorrow!

  2. Oh OHSS is the worst. I was sure I was going to die. I really hope and pray you are ok. Although my E2 was over 6500 before the trigger, so you are probably ok. 23 is great!! Praying for lots of wonderful embies.

  3. 23 follicles- amazing! I hope you recover quickly and don't get OHSS! Fingers crossed for a great fertilization report!!!

  4. I was a total wuss at our retrieval, I was in so much pain afterwards that I was crying, They gave me extra pain meeds before we left and then sent us home with vicoden. thank goodness for the vocoder and the heating pad!
