Sunday, January 30, 2011


I received my first awards this weekend! I am really quite new to blogging so this meant a lot to me. Thank you to Krista at Diary of taking small steps toward baby steps for the awards. (Krista, Hope you are feeling better!!) It has been really amazing to connect with new people and get to know others who are going through IF. I am so glad that I started this blog.

So, on to the rules for the awards...

Rules for accepting this award:

1. Thank and Link back to the person who awarded you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 other bloggers the award.
4. Contact bloggers and let them know about the award and that they received it

7 things about me (Amy):
1. I am an artist. I graduated with a degree in painting in 2009. Sometimes painting is pretty slow around IVF though. Here's my art blog.
2. I met my husband because he was hitting on one of my roommates. And starting dating him after he went on a date with another roommate :)
3. I am a math/chemistry/physics geek. Don't get much practice anymore but, I miss my sciences sometimes.
4. I sing really loud around the house sometimes when M is at work. Belting may be more accurate.
5. I am really quite shy but, I'm trying to kick that habit. I often have a hard time saying what is on my mind (especially face-to-face).
6. I really don't like pets. I usually don't mind other peoples but really really don't like the idea of having my own.
7. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (mormon)

My 15 nominations (no particular order):
Alex at Alex's Adventures
ousoonerchick at One Day at a Time
Miss Mac at MAC and PC
Mrs R at Hearts Joined, Hands Fast
One who understands at One who Understands
Mrs Hammer at ...Expect Miracles...
Erika at Pollination Chronicles
Hopeisafourletterword at Hope is a Four Letter Word
Tabitha at Paper Airplanes
Fresh Conceptions at Fresh Conceptions
Tina at To Infertility and Beyond
To those who wait at To Those Who Wait
Sarah at Bio Girl
Foxy at Someday

You girls are awesome and have been so fun to read. I also really appreciate the support that I have received from your comments or your blogs. Especially as I begin my first IVF cycle. I love getting your comments and encouragement. Thank you!


  1. Thank you for the nomination and for your comments on my blog! I look forward to getting to know you and following your journey! :)

  2. Thank you so much for the award! From one science geek to another :)

  3. Thanks so much for the award - fabulous! And I love how you met your hubby - funny!

  4. Thanks for the award!! So nice to meet other LDS IF ladies!!

  5. Oh my gosh, How did I miss this back in February? I admit i can be pretty easily distracted sometimes! Thank you for the sweet award!

    and congratulations on your BFP!!! So exciting!!! I am celebrating 7 weeks today and loving ICLW catching up with so many of you who've had success recently. There was a few months where I had a really hard time reading pregnancy blogs, it was just too hard. But look at me now! WHoo Hooo!
