Monday, January 24, 2011

IVF #1 CD 2 "Green Light!"

Yes, I am copying Krista on the title formats - hope that's alright :).
After a rough morning, lots of Google, dreary rain, and a ton of uncertainty about the cyst, I had a full afternoon of the same things, plus impatience. I was so sure that they were going to postpone the cycle and just wanted to hear it and put it behind me. Usually they call by 5, 5:30pm at the latest. At 6:30pm(!) M and I were getting concerned - did they forget about us? What about my shots tonight- do I take them or not?
Finally, finally they call...and we are good to go! I was actually surprised. I was totally prepared to wait (at least I think I was...) so, it took me a minute - I almost started crying!
Here we go! I gave myself my first IVF shots-which were way more painful than I thought they would be. For my IUI's I only had the Follistim and, I didn't mind the shots. However, the Menopur and the Follistim were brutal. I do not like them but, I'll do them anyway. As my dear M said, "No pain, no gain." Such a wise and comforting hubby I have.
I am relieved and excited to finally be starting. There was so much waiting, wondering, questioning, waiting. Now we are finally doing something. My retrieval is "scheduled" for 12 days away. That seems so close! Things are moving and moving fast. I hope it stays that way...


  1. Congrats on starting!!!! Now the real fun begins

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am now following you. Best of Luck with IVF, I'm not far behind you and will be starting stims in 12 days. Woohoo! Hopefully we can be pregnant together ;)


  3. Congrats on the green lights and best of luck to you!
    Ouch for the painful shot! some of the shots seem to be a bit more uncomfortable than others. I think it is just the different spots on our tummy, some are a bit more 'nervous' and sensitive than others. When I find a painfree spot, I try to remember, and keep going back ... that is my trick;) they should hurt you all the time.
    Thanks for your visit! and I will keep my fingers crossed for you! #190

  4. I am doing Follistim and Menopur too....boy do they suck! Plus I have been feeling like I have the flu on them.

    Good Luck, all those pin picks are totally worth it in the end. Just think only 11 more days!

  5. Yay for getting the green light! Try to take a deep breath with the shots - it will make it a little better... Fingers crossed that this cycle will work for you!

  6. Happy for you things are moving along! Following along and hoping for good news every step of the way! :]

  7. So excited for you that things are moving forward! When we started IUIs i felt so much better that things were happening. Are you doing ICSI with IVF? Good luck and my fingers are crossed that this is the cycle! :)
